Arvigo Therapy is best known for addressing misalignment or
congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women, as well as
helping with many common digestive disorders. Techniques effectively
alleviate tissue congestion and organ constriction to improve the vital
flow of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen. It enhances
health and wellness throughout the life cycle for women, men and
children. Some examples follow:
For Everyone:
For Women:
For Men:
You can learn more about these topics here:
Billie Ann Hagen, massage therapist, makes house calls to perform Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® at your location. Billie will come to your home with all the necessary supplies – massage table, clean linens and lotions/oils.
Call 908-688-6008 today to schedule
your customized massage.