Types of Massage Therapy We Offer:
Myofascial therapy affects the connective tissue that is wrapped around
every bone, organ, and muscle. When working on a
muscle layer, the massage therapist works on the different connective
tissues, opening and stretching them so that blood and oxygen get
to the muscle and relieve the pain. A Myofascial massage should feel
like a long overdue stretch.
There is no oil or lotion used in
Myofascial therapy. The use of lubricants indicates a Swedish massage,
not a deep therapeutic one. Regardless of how strong the therapist is,
using oil causes the hands to slide across the skin instead of directing
pressure into the tissues.
Full-body Myofascial therapy cannot be
completed in one session. It takes time for tissues to yield and for the
massage therapist to get through the different layers. Because the
muscles have different angles and directions, the therapist must move in
different ways to open them, which requires thoroughly working on one
area at a time. Forcing this process leads to pain and guarding in the
body — which defeats the purpose of the massage. Like Neuromuscular
Massage Therapy, this approach requires close communication between
client and massage therapist.
In most cases, the knots took a
while to develop and therefore it will take time to unravel
them—certainly more than one hour. However, clients with a kink in their
neck from too much time on the computer, iPad or driving will benefit
from this type of massage. They often get results immediately and feel
like someone has just removed a “golf ball of tension” — to quote one
client — from their body.
Billie Ann Hagen, massage therapist,
makes house calls to perform Myofascial Therapy (Deep Tissue Massage) at
your location. Billie will come to your home with all the necessary
supplies – massage table, clean linens and lotions/oils.
908-688-6008 today to schedule your customized massage.